A Red Xmas (Part 3)

Happy Holidays! Here is part 3 of 5 of our holiday special instead of our normal episodes this week. Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for listening.
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Holiday Special Promos
A Fool’s Quest (https://linktr.ee/AFoolsQuest)
Roll Britannia (https://linktr.ee/RollBritannia)
Adam Culbertson as your Dungeon Master as your Game Master
Richard Collins as Aleister as Guy McPerson
Max Steele as Dr. Julian Cottage as Liam “Vickers”
Steven Sides as Victor Stodge as Norm “Normal Human”
Social Media
Twitter @MicsAndMonsters (https://twitter.com/MicsAndMonsters)
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CastJunkie Discord Invite (https://discord.gg/KRgm7TA) come chat with us in #mics-and-monsters
Creative Typo Discord Invite (https://discord.gg/Hv4N3qc6JM)
“Coming to Town” written and produced by Nicholas Rodriguez
Microphones & Monsters is in no way affiliated with Wizards of The Coast or Petersen Games